Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spring Post

One semester into this degree and I have earned a 3.91 average! Go me, but it takes a toll on life unless accumulating drifts of cat hair in corners is an accomplishment. I hardly had time for fast food and there were phases of grab and go starring raw carrots. The food at the college can only be called food because it was the same color as food but once bitten into cried aha I fooled you, now you can cry about the seven bucks you just laid out for this fake sludge more molecularly akin to rubber cement. Even the cheese on the crap pizza was a disappointment, and for lord's sake, how can you screw up cheese? No, no, I already know. Would you like to live next to the fake cheese factory? Me neither. What pumps out of those extruders is also found under the fingernails of every religious order. Off we go.