I am doing brief research regarding intuition for a final project, and find that this work is taking me into a paranormal arena of extra-sensory perception. Tread carefully. I can't stress that enough. There are fine lines between this world and the unknown next, bordering on things that have little to do with any savior. People fall into traps of their own making, some plummet into a world of illusions. I have a relative from a generation ago, who heard voices in lonely train whistles, who thought the vacuum cleaner was inhabited by demons. I can see how that happens, especially when hearing the call of the train that goes by in the night, a long, lone, wavering banshee which pulls you into the distance. To me, it's now a friendly sound of progression and exploration, to someone on the edge tormented by thoughts of saints and penance, it can become less so.
Before the age of nine, when we lived out behind the woods laced with cricks and swamps where catkins grew, a train track ran through the trees at the back of the far boundary. The whistled warning as the freight came to the crossing on Gunville Road scared me for many, many nights, reminding me of the ghost from a Disney movie. The movie was "Darby O'Gill and The Little People," and it was listed as forbidden by The Catholic Union and Echo, which also forbade Tarzan movies because Tarzan and Jane lived together in sin. My beloved Protestant cousin took me into the city, to Lafayette Square to see it, very hush hush, my also Protestant Mom in cahoots. Afterwards, I suffered the confabulation of the young, and ascribed it to heathenistic choices of the willy-nilly. My sin. My penance.
Gosh, I was a nutty kid. Certain planes flying over the house, especially the C-119 twin boom tails scared me, the frequency of their sound lit me up like a Christmas tree. No other plane, just the double-tailed ones. They traveled slowly, and the low sound of the engines was a cascading rrrwir rrwir rrwir that searched over every hillock and moraine for human essences, particularly tender, juicy, six year old girls. But this is the point, that those who are susceptible to suggestion can take the hoodoo part of science and run with it, like a dog with a frisbee.
What can I say? My phobias were fed by sneaking into my other cousin's stash of fifties monster magazines, and being horrified yet fascinated with the walking casserole-faced people of black and white cinematic fame that preyed on the living and well-coiffed. God, I paid for that. They lived under my bed for years, and I slept with a night light until I got married.
Now, the night is for sleeping. Period. No monsters or hands are waiting to grab any body part hanging over the edge of the mattress. Peaceful, silent sleep of the innocent, both human and animal. Lovely. Purple edged night, solace for the weary. That's us, all around. Sleep well, sleep secure. Good night. Good, good night.