The delicates weren't even of the frou frou variety, just working girl Hanes Her Ways, now with burn marks. I don't know which would have been worse; a Victoria's Secret $18 sneeze of elastic, or these plain white ones because the guy who saved the day was holding my undies up high for everyone to see how he was a hero. He's a good egg, but shy of a few place settings. I tossed them away, because if I ever got hit by a car while wearing scorched underwear, my mother would have crawled under a rock.
So I recently ordered a small washer capable of a 5 pound load; it arrived within the week. While assembling the thing and drooling over how much easier this task would be, I noticed a nasty bottom corner crack with the back panel also broken off. Not to mention the "Free Laundry Basket" unfolded with dirty prints on it and a tear at one of the seams. What puzzled me was that there is no damage to the box it came in, the styrofoam was intact; to me this indicated that whoever boxed this machine had worked a double shift that day. I emailed the distributor in California through Amazon. This is part of what was sent back:
"Thanks for your E-mail. We're sincerely sorry to hear that you receive a damaged package. Since this problem never happen before, the damage may caused by the improper shipment. On behalf of my company, I would like to offer our most sincere apologies for the mistakes that UPS Shipping Company made while handling your product during the shipment. Please kindly understand that, we as a seller, cannot control the unexpected shipping problem occurred, like the weather problem, the bumping shipment or careless deliveryman's handling or other UPS’s logistic arrangements. 1 out of 100 packages may get dents, cracks, crashed and other problems, we're deeply sorry for this."
Those were my italics. Since I've figured out which buttons to push for italicizing, emphasis has elevated my silent elocution and feelings. After reading the "This never happen before," I felt disbelief. How many of these things have they sold? Manufactured in China, it had a long trip to get here, and mine was the very first to create such a disappointing transaction? Really. The bumping shipment was not evident by the boxes' condition. Could the delivery man have mind powers that can bend spoons, and he inadvertently cracked the casing when hiccuping? Why does this feel like I'm headed for Weaseltown?
Reasonably, they want photos "to faster the speed of return request", which is on my agenda after this missive, so that "Your kind efforts will promote us to better product and service." can occur. Amazon is pretty good about their outliers, and so far any issues have been resolved; the statement of "this never happen" is so full of baloney, since in my lifetime, nothing within the realm of physics or human nature has ever happened never. Maybe I'm communicating with Yoda.
So off I go with a charged phone, wish me luck. Further, any wisenheimer who suggests my new nickname is "Firepants" (it already happen), I guarantee they will faster the speed a punch in the nose and thus be in the category of 1 out of 100 to get a dent or crashed.
Today was one of the bitterest of Arctic cold days, and I took a sick day from work as the students were told to stay out of the -21 wind chill. Got some things done, others are still on the burner, like that pot of chili. I will gratefully fall to sleep this evening, as the fours hours I got last night will be evident after suppertime. Skies are clear, the cloak of bleak emptiness hovers over the region; this summer will have fewer skeeters, which is nice for humans but not for the birds and bats that dine on them. Everything cycles, there is no such thing as never under earthly law; miracles, kindnesses, imbalance or even, cracks or missing pieces appear and dissolve before our eyes, a magic trick.
Sleep well and warm, contrariwise. See you in Always.