Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day of Thurs

Oh this is lovely, the fresh daylit air coming in over the sill. Today I caught up on dishes, cleaned off the dining table, and accidentally called Puerto Rico. This new phone, you see. I punched in my son's number and reversed the area code with the next three numbers while programming the speed dial option. I wanted to touch base and see if he and Dana returned safely, so pushed one button on this phone in a hip, I'm-cool-with-new-technology way and got a flustered (I think) woman (I think) speaking a foreign language very quickly. At first I thought Brian had answered in a comic voice and was pulling my leg, but there were no breaths in between sentences; I apologized and hung up. Seeing the error, I checked the number online and found it was listed near San Juan, Puerto Rico. Real Puerto Rico. Their Spanish sounded nothing like my neighbors'.

This is the first day of vacation.

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