Saturday, February 12, 2011

Who Was Never

Last night just after midnight, my brother called to say that Dad was taken to the hospital and wasn't expected to make it.  This morning I got the news that he had died around 6:20 a.m.

It's not news to many that my relationship with my father was not good.  He was an angry alcoholic who was dictator, loudmouth, and spoiled-brat king of the house.  After Mom died in 1999, I didn't see him for eight years until hearing that he stopped drinking and then visited him once a week to see what he needed.  These visits went on for two years until I couldn't do it anymore and estranged myself again for another few years knowing it was better for my health.  The knots in my stomach never stopped, and I would be sure, when he was still able to walk, to have a safe exit open if he lunged at me.

He was funny in rare times, mathematically brilliant, and missing many screws.  I am hopeful that he has found some sort of peace after all.  I hope he has a chance to reconcile with himself, and learn that there was a foundation of decency that took a wrong turn.  Goodbye, Dad.  See you later.  It will be better.  Love.  I wish you loved m...

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