Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Haiku

Leftover candy,
My favorite kind, Twix bars
How did that happen?

Fun-size candy bars
Are a lie. When I was young,
They were large.  Five cents.

Frozen orange juice
Strangest Halloween offer.
We went back next year.

If you are shaving,
Do not ring my bell unless
You want to be mocked.

Steal my horse skull from
My porch. I hope your
Arse develops a rash.

The meat department:
Cow tongues and.honeycomb tripe
Instant atmosphere.

Stuff child's pajamas
And staple them to ceiling
Of porch.  Look out, kid.

Doorbell rings after
Nine o'clock. Have you no shame?
What are you, twenty?

Check out loot in bag,
Who gave pink wintergreen mints?
Old lady Gorwitz.

Get out of my bag,
Dad.  You already ate all the
Three Musketeers bars.

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