Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Really a Wonder

Money money money. How on earth does anyone keep track of it? Say the right things to the right people, and it will come your way if you are ambitious and business minded. Will it ever not be a worry for the rest of us, meaning me?

I go to a Graduate Program Open House on Saturday morning at 10a., probably not time enough for a run to the Farmer's Market which is a run up into the Tonawandas. But the peaches are coming to an end, and there just isn't enough time many years of fresh summer peaches do I have to come? Ah. La.

The program that I am nosing around is based at Buff State, where I achieved my Bachelor's. It is called Creative Studies and is the only graduate degree program in the world focused exclusively on such, the site says. There is a picture of adults sitting on the carpet of a classroom, touching raised hands. Jeezum Crow, I may have cornered myself into touchy feely motivational Village, but it's the quickest course I've seen yet, with a final 33 credits.

I wanted to earn my Master's at a local private college that has a deal with the state teacher's union, however, since I have my Provisional certification, it would be the same education courses as before with a required student teaching practicum. They suggested looking at their other graduate programs which include accounting, nursing, or special ed. Ick, ick, and ick. Special Education is being quietly smothered by the government, and will not exist as a separate entity much longer. Our Special Ed teachers have not been given their assignments yet, and it is the second week of school.

So, back to the State College, which is a short hop down the highway, offers necessary courses in the summer, and has online learning components. There are concerns in dealing with them, in getting the right courses at the right time and getting out. Had to fight like a woman to get them to recognize that I had all the courses the last time. But it will work out, as sure as strawberries grow in the fields, as sure as peaches hang pendulous and heavy on trees. I can feel it.

Love to all, Susan

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