Friday, September 26, 2008

This and That

Hello to Cybertown; yes, that's you! All us chilluns got through the day admirably and here is hoping that you did too. It's time to get out the extra blankets due to the drop in temperature at night and the apartment complex hasn't turned on the heat yet. Living on an upper floor has the advantage in cool weather, and benefits from rising heat. I am warm and thankful for that in this place.

The apartment before was lovely, half of a house, but my son and I had to be frugal so I kept the heat at 58 degrees during the day and sixty at night. I dressed to go to bed, it was like living in a cabin...thermal long johns, socks and wool slippersocks over that. On top, flannel pajamas, a knit hat and a robe. I felt like a Pilgrim in layers, and when we landed in this rent subsidized apartment and felt the heat and the hot water rushing out of the shower and the windows that shut tight against drafts, oh, it was and still is a blessing.

Tomorrow is Saturday and the turn of the seasons is apparent by the produce offered; late peaches are still available and corn. Tomatoes are becoming fewer but the cruciferous vegetables are being stacked in pyramids of cabbages, colored cauliflowers, and spires of Brussels sprouts. Last week was the hundredth anniversary of the market, and they honored a fellow who had been working at the family stand for ninety years. Elmer, who got to sit in the wooden wagon pulled by two gorgeously brushed and shining black draft horses.

The local home extension office based at Cornell came out and set up a stand featuring heirloom apple varieties, some of which I hadn't seen in yars. Baldwin, Wolf River, Winter Banana, Russet, and Twenty-ounce. You can make a pie out of one Twenty-ounce, they are that huge. If I had the land, it would be filled with cats and apple trees, two dogs and chickens.

Well I am getting to bed after a hot chocolate. The wind is picking up in such fashion as it is whistling around the corners of the building, as a good autumnal equinox wind should. Oh I love fall. Sleep well.

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