Monday, November 30, 2009

Coming changes...

Really, I would like to refine my style of writing since re-reading several older posts have left me with the sensation of a ping pong ball explosion. Lord, I am scattered and often ambiguous. Obscure. Eccentric. But, I am lovable; sort of like your Aunt Millie after a shot of Seagram's mixed with a little soda.

So, the solution is to write in short bits, in between assignments for college. Much has happened and frankly, writing is a favored catharsis for exposing myself to well, myself. Tomorrow is December first, near to the end of 2009 which contained more loss than the last ten years altogether. Yet the year itself was successful regarding new experiences and changes.

Tonight we are to have snow, the first with staying power. Flakes and tiny particles have flung themselves earthward but nothing with any serious intent; swirls in the wind, then gone. It feels chill, you can tell in this brick building when cold arrives and of course there is the smell of snow in the air. I don't know what creates it, but snow has a smell and that smell is so enjoyable that it induces people to drink urns of hot chocolate and bundle up in thick socks and mittens. Soups and chili appear, big-handed men tear loaves of bread for dipping in filled bowls, the laughter is deeper, the blankets are alive like in a fable and hug us.

We aren't quite there yet, but the forecast says close, it is close. Listen for winds, feel the building shudder, there will be ice on the sidewalks, and happy people looking forward to stay-at-home nights given us by Old Man Winter. Stay well.

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