Saturday, December 12, 2009

Quick Saturday Morning

So much so much to do, I wish humans only needed four hours of sleep. This is a busy Saturday, cleaning, cookies, gas fill-up, fabric shop, groceries, post office and solace, I need to schedule some of that in also. I cannot pass the image of my friend Nancy without a pang, it is not real to me that she is gone. I miss my colleague Barbara, another friend who passed on two weeks before my girl's death. Ah, sadness performs the necessary contribution to hope. And so life does not stand still after that moment of the first gasp when the news comes. Oh speed, it does not allow withdrawal, but you dig in and leap forward, only older in body and mind.

Jump in with both feet, my loves, for that is the continued contribution to creative success. There is a new cat. I finished this semester in bumps and starts at college, few more to go. Milk tastes good. The aprons arrived to make for my students. A little girl gave me a beaded necklace she made herself, all more precious as she can only read a struggling 20 words a minute and lives in chaos. Kai plays with her cat toy as if it had a heartbeat, doing somersaults of brown furry victory. My son Brian. My sort of son, Scotty. Friends and new avenues of thought pull me forward.

This post is only a map of destination and travels from before. I must write, write, there is so much that needs to be charted.

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