Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Facebook Hacker: Come On In, Idiot

If you receive amazing news from me, it ain't me.  As far as I know, no one has gotten any offers of mysterioso money or requests for bank numbers, just be careful as Facebook alerted me to an attempt  based in Nigeria.   I changed passwords and checked with my IT son who said to change all of my passwords, so I did.  Now I have to remember something complicated with letters and numbers, but I think I'll do okay.

This happened a day after I had shown Brian my statistics from Dreamville; see, I have people that read me in Iran and Russia!  He said:  Mom, they are probably hackers trying to get into your account; I was crushed.  What?  This is not an international readership?  You mean there are crooks out there?  They think  they can do what?  I have no credit to speak of and maybe a bag of carrots in the fridge, but that's it. And then the Facebook hack from Nigeria occurred.   Hell's bells.

In other weirdness, while driving home from work I tried to get the charger working for the iphone in the car's cigarette lighter.  It worked last night, why not now?  After wriggling the connector in the port, I noticed air was blowing on me.  What?  A Miracle on Oak Street, my defroster fan was chugging away like a little windmill.  It hasn't worked in a month, and I have been scraping and swooshing frost off the windshield by hand and then driving with the sunroof open in the cold.  The frustration with the charging cable must have drop kicked some defroster god in the behind, because now the thing realizes it has a job.  

Brian is almost to DC, and his significant other has ordered Chinese for them when he gets in.  The dark that is up here in the north is the same dark he sees from a different viewpoint.  Last night we had found ourselves on a side street in a suburban area where the night sky was visible; Orion rose in the southern vault of the heavens, while the Big Dipper spilled in the north.  Watch my son, Orion, you are as familiar as anything found within day.  Point the way north, Dipper, to those who love him so.  

Sleep well, peaceful, safe.

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