Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cerebellum Funnies

Various running arounds, a new appointment with a new practitioner who seems to be a down to earth person who likes bugs, as she said when handing me her card with a dragonfly impressed upon it. I like bugs also, and think they are overlooked as companion animals. We can talk about that later.

I sat in the waiting room which was surrounded by many small doors marked Private. Every few minutes, a person would pop out of one of the doors, announcing the name of the client and they would disappear. It was fascinating, for there were four different doors surrounding the area. I got through three magazines before my door opened.

Now this morning, I found the last pair of clean pants, a pair of Norma Kamali MC Hammer baggy with cuffs that look dated but okay. Unlike any of the tame knits I usually wear, today I selected my totally sequined tiger stripe tunic which picked up on the theme of laundry needing to be done. It's late and I gotta go, the roads are iced and sloshed.

The door has clicked shut before I remember that I am going to see this new medical professional and my god I am wearing wooden jungle animals over sequined tiger stripes and my god, these pants. Third grade kids love how I dress, but they aren't doling out the antidepressants after evaluating me.

It worked out well, and I am taking a reduced amount of prozacchio see how it goes. After answering her questionnaire, it appears that I am pretty normal, just a sneaking panic attack here and there. Just the sort of thing you like to hear from a professional. So come ring my doorbell on Halloween kids, it's okay.

I have lots to do in getting ready for the son flying in, his flight gets here at 1045 pm. Yay! Visiting children! He turns thirty in January, for heaven's sake. Nothing like seeing someone you love arrive.

The small drifts are melting, the air is cold and clear. Do I hear last minute tinkering from the North Pole? Wait, let me look through my special telescope...oh, it's a package, a lovely one with a ribbon, addressed to the Nicest People ...I think it must be for you! (No gagging, it's called twee, I think).

Goodnight, my little elves.

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