Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cowboy Driving

sday, December 23, 2008

What has happened to the streets department? Where are the plows that used to be sent out to other areas of the country when they got hit? Were the old ones not replaced? This is Buffalo, we need crews and machinery!! and ! again!! The streets are narrowed messes and the parking lot here is incomprehensibly not done. What the so-called service did was throw bits of salt onto the six inch deep packed snow. You have to remove the stuff, not aggravate it. This new management is lacking in finesse.

I went out to get a few things before we get blown in again, already the sky is a deep lilac color and filled with snow. Winds are supposed to get up to 50 mph, and freezing rain shall appear. Birds shall fly backwards, bats will leave their winter crevices, the sun will dull to deep red, and NPR will play "Santaland Diaries" by David Sedaris at seven. Enough of the weather report.

Since Boston was canceled, I have time, time on my hands. Whee! Here I come, art! I told no one that I am here, what kind of misanthrope is this you ask; well, I am taking a three day sabbatical devoted to creative urges and I don't want to hear from relatives, friends in town, or stray animals. Nyet, notski, nope.
It's gonna be me and drawing, knitting, setting up the cd player I bought Last Year, and whatever else strikes moi.

I stopped by the thrift shop not for anything in particular, just to look. The time to go for great bargains is right after Christmas, when people donate items that can't be returned to stores, or things that they received replacements for. I am scanning for a toaster oven, but I want one that doesn't look like it's going to start a fire. It will come in time.

Oo, I could bake bread, make yoghurt, repair clothing. Snowbelle, bless her heart, likes to chew wool and I could shoot her. Some cats do, Siamese are known for it. My Etsy mittens need some fixing because of her, so that could be on the list of to-do's. Ta daa.

Sleep well, lord knows what the weather outside is planning, I will be under the blankets listening to the wind come in off the lake. Peace and balance.

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