Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have been fouled, felled, and fella--wait, no no, that's not possible. But here is anarchy! Subdivision! Ferocious, unasked for undermining of my cherished bookmarks and files. Damn these freaking updates!!

Firefox, how can you not trust Firefox! The fritzes that I have been complaining about were in control of everything except the refrigerator and stove. Firefox conveniently offers an update that kicks invasive ass. I succumb, and today when I turn on the electronic hoodoo, my screensaver, Mr. Kitty, has been replaced by the vapid landscaping of Windows XP for crying out loud and where is this from?

I hunt for Mr. Kitty, click on My Pictures to find no one at home, nada, not one little file photo visible in a vast hinterland of white screen. Everything is gone, everything. Now why does a fifty-six year old woman have a kitten screensaver? Because just looking at his face makes me happy, unlike the open grassy supersonic meadow of Windows. That just makes me nervous, who knows what's in that grass, your horse could hit a gopher hole and the both of you would be ass over teacups.

I go to bookmarks which have also been slickered into whatever they're selling, no Reference, Science, Shopping, Animals and Companions, or Klaus Nomi. Shriek!! The saved Klaus pictures are gone! Lyrics, images, kaput. This is violation, they must be in this machine somewhere, click click click. Firefox simply lifts its leg and widdles on my demands for my stuff back. I cannot get onto MSN for email, AIM to frantically IM Brian, or find any semblance of my instilled memory.

I go to poach two eggs for supper, land them in salsa on a corn tortilla with avocado and sit and eat. One of the prepped gourds gets painted in a Keith Haring style, god knows what my son will have to go through to clean out this place once I'm gone, and I then rouse myself back to the computer, ears down, to beat my way onto MySpace and lament.

But Waht? Waht's this?! I started a scan for viruses before leaving, and find a frozen screen upon return; the way out of this is a manual restart after whose flickering screen stabilizes appears MR. KITTY!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! Everything else is back, and the update is still in place so things are running a bit smoother. Sound is still missing, some images are not loading, but my desktop is fuzzfaced and cute, the kind of cute that washes away the injustices and whining people of the day. Go to hell, says the face, I am cute and you do not matter any further, do not bother my Susan with your emotional instabilities.

Oh yay. Yay. Sigh. It is after nine, have to get to work double early as the head pork chop of the school system is coming in for a visit to see if the seventh and eighth grade can be stuffed into our space. I am turning in. It's been a day, going into work related matters would only cause you to go out and get sterilized and we really don't want that.

December, one of my favorite months only because I think it is the most fun to say. Good night, O things that go bump in the night.

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