Saturday, August 16, 2008


Time for a change. I have been living with aqua painted walls for five years, it accentuates the sea shell collection and my mermaidlike qualities. Turquoise is one of my favorite colors, but as I said, five years is a while and this place needs painting. Should I lighten it with a white glaze swiped on, like waves, or should there be a complete change?

The first three years I lived here, the walls were two pale green, two lilac. Then I went to pink and orange like an Indian elephant and couldn't sit still. Now everything is a medium aqua and I love it, but think it's time to let go. I want light in here, and the linoleum floor is daaarrrk brown like chocolate. The ceiling is painted a very pale blue with a few clouds.

Really, I am boasting when I say that people have hired me to do murals in their homes. I have painted children standing by fences, griffins, Hawaiian fish, really really great clouds, and forests with en-chanted animals. Oh, and a grotesque of a head reading a book surrounded by ivies in a library. I wish I had a picture of that one. I can't do a mural per se in here as a rented apartment, but I can layer colors and hang up large canvases.

Leaning towards a very pale pink, but then I saw a terrific gold couch for thirty bucks at the thrift shop. And like I said, the ocean is a very large calming influence, and friends and relatives like that. I will take all the biofeedback help I can get, and if that means pretending I am Lelani of the Islands, we all win. Maybe a nice seashell pink, not the intense deep pink that kept me awake when painted on all walls.

Maybe I could paint the godawful brown floor, but I think the landlord would shoot me, and he would have to get in line for that. Besides, how do you paint the floor in a galley apartment with cats? A square at a time?

Oh crap oh crap oh crap the cat has got a spider and wants to give it to me. Gotta go. Nite nite!

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